There are many other services that may assist you if you are struggling financially and the links below are a good place to start.
Below are just a few savings you can make:
Helps you compare electricity and gas plans and switch providers
Helps families receiving the Family Tax Benefit with their electricity costs.
Concession card holders may be able to save on a new fridge or television
Helps concession card holders with their gas costs.
Helps concession card holders with their electricity costs
Pensioners may be able to save on their water bill
The DSS Grants Service Directory includes details of active grants and organisations providing service delivery.
In line with government direction, in regards to the response to COVID-19, organisations have made the appropriate changes to the service delivery model. This means that most organisations now provide none or limited face-to-face services to assist in slowing the spread of COVID-19.
You can still reach almost all organisations with some exceptions. To find the nearest organisation, to support your needs you can search the directory by program name, state/territory, region or postcode, or a combination of these.
My Aged Care is a website and contact centre established by the Australian Government to help people navigate the aged care system. My Aged Care helps people find government-funded aged care services for older people in the community. My Aged Care provides information about:
My Aged Care provides a number of services helping older people stay in their own home when transitioning from hospital, when attempting to find a residential aged care home or for carers searching for respite care. Call 1800 200 422
NSW Fair Trading is part of the Department of Customer Service whose role is to make doing business in NSW simple, accessible and fair for employees, consumers and industry while providing the best value for government.
Rent Choice is a private rental subsidy that helps eligible clients with rental payments for up to 3 years.
Rent Choice products include:
Moneysmart can help Australians take control of their money with free tools, tips and guidance.
Other support services
1800RESPECT Sexual assault, domestic or family violence counselling
Family Drug Support Australia Alcohol or other drug use